Ariba p2p
Ariba p2p

One central place to onboard and maintain suppliers. It perfectly suits the McCoy Simplify belief. Guided Buying is so simple, so easy and so intuitive, that it will really help the end users. The ever lasting complaint of "why can't creating a purchase requisition be as simple as I do it online at home?" is history.

ariba p2p

This will change the way end users buy from their supplier base. We are looking forward to apply these in our SAP Ariba projects at our customers. Some of our highlights are described below. One thing is for sure: Ariba is making procurement awesome (President Alex Atzberger introduced the tag #MakeProcurementAwesome in his keynote).

ariba p2p

McCoy attended numerous partner sessions, had constructive talks with customers and absorbed the knowledge shared by SAP Ariba Solution Experts. After our visit to Madrid to attend SAP Ariba Live 2016, we have identified some very interesting developments.

Ariba p2p